Recently released free Apple II "fantasy" games

Play free fantasy games developed for the "Apple II" operating system sorted by release date.

GAME SETTING - Fantasy is one of the most used (and abused) themes in the history of video games, wether they are free-to-play or not. Roguelikes, MMORPGs, platformers, adventures and even card games often take place in a fantasy world with dwarves, elves, dragons, goblins and other vicious creatures, swords and sorcery.

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The Black Cauldron

adventure / point & click
Al Lowe


RPG / old school RPG
Avalon Hill

Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar

RPG / old school RPG
Origin Systems

Beneath Apple Manor

RPG / roguelike
Don Worth

Akalabeth: World of Doom

RPG / old school RPG
Richard Garriott


adventure / interactive fiction
Scott Adams

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