Meteor 60 Seconds!

Meteor 60 Seconds! is a action game released in 2018 designed and developed by Avocavo. Meteor 60 Seconds! can be described as a full free version game and can be played on the following operating systems: Windows, Mac OSX, iOS, Android.
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“Meteor 60 seconds! is a simple, fun, comic-like action game that simulates your life if there were a meteor heading towards Earth and you had 60 seconds to live. Do anything you want to do with your last 60 seconds, even if it's illegal! What about planting an apple tree?” - Avocavo

Meteor 60 Seconds! video

Meteor 60 Seconds! Details

Meteor 60 Seconds!
release date:

Meteor 60 Seconds! Links

Meteor 60 Seconds! official site
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